
production of metal parts since 1972

Nothing happens by chance
Since 1972 many choices and many advances have helped us to grow: we have moved into new headquarters, year after year we have modernized and amplified our production methods, we have created a new production centre in Bulgaria, for a long time and with satisfaction we have collaborated with demanding and tecnologically avantguard multinational companies: all this because we really believe in our company.
We believe in people
Above all we believe in the people who work here, with passion and loyalty, transforming their knowledge and experience into concrete results. Knowledge that has been passed down through the years to create an inestimable patrimony at the disposal of our Clients: our knowledge into your pieces, this is our slogan.
We believe in our work
We believe in our work, for which we have great respect: our aim is not to earn, but to be a stable presence able to meet each new challenge one after the other. Because garanteeing stability and longevity to our Company, gritting our teeth and heading straight towards our objectives, is the true aim of our choices.
We believe in our future
Our future is in the choices that we make today, in the investments that will bear fruit tomorrow. If a company is healthy, dynamic, efficient, then it is destined to last: we don’t work in finance, we work in industry.
technology and experience
Founded in 1972, VIRMA is a stable and dynamic company situated in the heart of Brianza, metalmechanic region par excellence in Lombardy. The new head office, upon an area of over 16,000 square metres and inaugurated in 2012, is a model of organisation, order and modernity.
Creation of the equipment
The design and creation of the equipment, together with a tradition of production with a wide range of machinery of the latest generation, the capitalisation of innovative solutions in both the design and in the work process, allow VIRMA to be a strategic partner for Companies in key relevent sectors.
Construction of equipment
Design and construction of equipment, optimised productions in the choice of materials and industrialisation solutions, constant technical-qualitative checking of the production, customer-orientated service, great flexibility determined by a light and dynamic structure, are the strategic levers that represent the true competitive advantage of VIRMA and the group of companies with which it works in production (processors, material suppliers and complementary technologies).
Specialisation of staff
The high specialisation of staff, both technically and productivally, assure the Company a high profile position, that consolidates historical industrial relations with Clients of an international standing, without compromising the service and the flexibility required by medium-small interlocutors.
Founded in 1972, Virma has consolidated throughout the years a path of growth characterised by continuous investment in technology, machinery, apparatus for design and optimisation.
VIRMA srl produces metal pieces in the first, historical headquarters in Bresso, in the Milanese hinterland. Specialised in the sector of deep-drawing, then stamping and forming with the aquisition of the first Bihler at the start of the seventies, the Company sees growth in its productive area and Client portfoglio before making the decision to create a larger production space.
The Company moves to the new factory in Ronco Briantino, which will be further enlargened in 1986 to make space for internal equipment. The machine area grows considerably until it requires further production space.
A few tens of metres from the site in Ronco, the construction of a second factory is completed, which brings the available surface area to a total of 5,500 square metres.
The consolidation of social patrimony transforms the company to a company of shares and the creation of a network of horizontally integrated companies for the attainment of strategic and competitive advantages (VIRMAGROUP).
The new headquarters of Sulbiate is inaugurated, spacious (16,000 m²) and highly modern, situated in the heart of productive and technological Brianza, metalmechanical area of excellence, at 20km from Milan, connected to the main interregional and international communication routes.
The new production site in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, is inaugurated. The machine area, spacious and varied, demonstrates the stable and constant force of growth, innovation and consolidation of market presence through focused investments that aim for excellence.
Our Clients like the dynamism of our structure and the immediacy in our communication. Our size allows us to aspire to complex industrial relations without compromising the slenderness and readiness to respond that only a flexible and dynamic structure can assure. Our Clients enjoy maximum transparency, from the design to the putting into action of all our equipment. We have no secrets and we share with them all our experience and our knowledge for reciprocal enrichment.
We never stop. We are a dynamic structure, which evaluates itself each day in order to individuate guidelines for growth, improvement, innovation. Through the years we have always followed the objective of consolidating our presence, making new investments, forever challenging ourselves, trusting in the faith our Clients and Suppliers have never lost in us, we hope deservedly.
Being where there is growth helps to maintain and consolidate our positions. Today the future is not national and is neither a simple approach of exportation. Today meeting the challenge of survival and and stability in the market means following the market Leaders in the so-named countries of the New Economy. This means great economic and organisational investments, but we are sure that opening ourselves to new challenges is the only way to keep up.
We strongly believe in the value of collaboration, firstly with the people that work with us, and with Clients and Suppliers. Because more than economic operators we are people and we believe in reciprocal motivation and enrichment for a general growth of relationship quality and the consolidation of business affairs.
policies for a sustainable future
Ethics and Sustainability are key factors in our society. We commit ourselves with every step to improve our company also under those factors. For those are not just objectives, but fundamentals points of growth: there can be no development and future without taking car about our environmental and human impact.
To prove this, we publicly declare our politics regarding the following:
VIRMAgroup for Quality
Virma is constantly driven by a fundamental seek of quality, with the satisfaction of the client as our ultimate objective. In order to keep growing, the company is committed publicly by making avaible its policy.

VIRMAgroup for Ethic Work
Politics for a work featured by ethics, safety, sustainability and professional are fundamentals for working environment in Virma. Our ethical code lists all the principles of behavior that our company refers for each activities, both internal and external.

VIRMAgroup for Environment
A Sustainable Development wants also the respect for the natural environment. Virma is committed to improve its process by using technologies that allows a low impact on the ecosystem, by evaluating and analyzing its output and by setting goals. We publish our result online.
Virma Group is compliant with the following directive and normative:


  • UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 | Download - UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 | Download
  • Conflict Minerals Reporting Template | Download
  • Reach \ RoHS | Download
  • GHC Emission Scope 1&2 Report - Carbon intensity reduction: Download
  • Ecovadis Rating:Bronze 66/100 | Download | Info Ecovadis
  • Charity donation and Social commitment | Download Charity & Social
  • Sustainability report | Download
  • KPI Ambientali / Environmental KPI | Download
  • Procedure di approvvigionamento Etico - Etichal Purchase Procedure | Download
  • Politica Intergata Qualità e Ambiente - Quality and Environmental Integrated System Policy | Download
  • Codice Etico - Etichs Code | Download
  • Policy e Informativa Privacy WhistleBlowing | Download
  • Supplier Code of Conduct | Download